Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Red Cross Flow Dimension • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • French Fundraiser Postage


Red Cross Flow Dimension 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

French Fundraiser Postage

Issued In 2005 

This Is An Release Card 

With The Whole Show 

Remember, This Organization 

Is Made Up Mainly By Volunteers 

That Assist Man-Kind Through 

Those Events Of Hard Times

If You Would Like To Know More 

Visit Their Website http://www.redcross.org 

Lend A Hand And Make A Difference 

Over And Out 


An Unique Piece

Therefore, Modified For The Presentation.

Mastered With Shaping And Sizing Techniques

Ripping A Part The Original Presentation.

While Constructing The Layout

Through Photo Graphic Engineering .

Manipulated With The Building Process 

Assembling The Structure 

Within The Frame . 

Maneuvering The Created Assets 

To Complete The Visual Results 

During Post Production 

In New York City


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Red Cross Service Dimension • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Ethiopia Fundraiser Postage


Red Cross Service Dimension 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Ethiopia Fundraiser Postage

The Design Has A Long History 

First Released In 1936

As Part Of A Series

Issued Many Times With Overprints. 

Into The 1960's Usage 

Many Variations Have Surfaced. 

The Organization Was Work Then And Now. 

To Learn More Connect 

With The Volunteer Team 

That Assists Man-Kind 

Through Events Man Made Or Natural Occurring. 

Visit Their Website http://www.redcross.org 

Lend A Hand And Make A Difference 

Over And Out 


Modified For Presentation 

Adding Saturation And Contrast 

Mastered Shaping And Sizing 

On The Layout 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering. 

Manipulated By The Building Process. 

Assembling A Structure Within 

The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab 

In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Historical Landmark Dimension • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Windsor Castle On British Postage

 Historical Landmark Dimension 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Windsor Castle On British Postage

It States That It Is Oldest Castle In The World 

Correction Please!!! Ha Ha Ha 

There Are Older Castles, Even In The UK.

Perhaps, Where The Queen Visits On The Weekends. 

When She Is Not Busy With Issues, 

That Are Going On!

The Location Was Chosen By William The Conquerer. 

Wasn't There Something Already There??? 

That Does Not Matter Today. 

To Afford Costs Of Maintaining, 

It Is Open To The Public...

 Now, Cool Place To Visit... 

Check Their Website https://www.rct.uk/visit/windsor-castle

A Tourist Can See History... 

39 Monarchs Have Graced The Place. 

No... Not Monarch Butterfly Species 

They Are In North America. 

The Site Closes At 5 P.M. 

Let's Go See And Why Not? 

Over And Out 


Image Captured Under Normal Daylight 

Modified Hue and Saturation Adjustments. 

Pushing The Contrast A Bit. 

Mastered Shaping And Sizing 

While Doing The Layout 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Making It Look Sci-Fi Playing This Part...

Manipulated By The Build Of The Structure 

Placed On The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Items 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Production 

In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pulling The Hunt • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Cameroon (French Africa) Postage.


Pulling The Hunt 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Cameroon (French Africa) Postage

An Independent Nation These Days.

Once Portugal Started A Trading Zone 

And Originated A Territorial Name, Which Was In 

 Portuguese, To The Wouri River, 

Which They Called Rio Dos Camarões

"River Of Shrimps" or "Shrimp River", 

Referring To An Once Abundant Ghost Shrimp. 

The re Was Drive On New Found Resources, 

Which Brought, Other Countries To Bring Business 

Establishments For Economic Development.

Germany Appeared In 1884 

With An Agreement And Treaty. 

The English Developed An Area In 1885.

The European Involvement Was Established. 

The Area Was Still Open, 

With An Outside Influence Of Rules And Laws 

That Were Enforced By The Foreign Occupiers. 

Up And Until WWI.

Then, With Germany Removed.  

Both France And Great Britain Continued 

Support Areas Of Control, 1916 to 1960. 

The Main Spoken Language, 

Is A Dialect Of French,

And A Fancy English For International Communications. 

Over And Out 


Image Captured Under Existing Light. 

 Modified Enhancement 

A Duo Tone Process Was Used

With High Contrast Values 

Mastered For Shaping And Sizing 

Laying Out The Feature Design 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering. 

Manipulation Occurred With The Build

Assembling The Structure 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

Into The Final Visual Result 

During Post Production.

In New York City


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Off Shore Dimension • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • A Ship Event Cinderella


Off Shore Dimension 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

A Ship Event Cinderella 

Hey, A Stamp From 1937 

So, Were Cold Feet 

And Yummy Hot Dogs!!! 

Been To Grand Haven?? Oh Too Bad!!!

Next Line Please 

Nice Design... 

Over And Out 


Normal Exposure 

Modified For Enhancement 

Adding Contrast To  The Surface

Adjusted  Saturation Values 

Mastered Shaping And Sizing 

While Working The Layout Procedure 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Manipulated With The Build 

Assembling The Structure Within 

The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab 

In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Pan-American Delivery Dimension • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Argentina Holding Two Postage


Pan-American Delivery Dimension 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Argentina Holding Two Postage

This Is From The 1930's 

Break Speed... Extending Across The Globe 

Got To Get It There, What Ever - The Taste!

Oh! That Was An Event 

The Big Congress And The Chairs Are All Folded By Now!

Too Much Fun 

Hay Wolf-Man... Let's Scare Them

Over And Out 



Now, Let's Track Up The Pavement

Using A Treatment, Down Boy 

Trashing The Surface!!!

Like Later, Then Again Maybe Never!!!

Maybe Never (Echoed With Reverb) X (Ten Times)

Yes, Chamber Rock. 

Mastered Shaping And Sizing 

Harpoon The Spoon 

Break-Up The Feed. 

While Working The Darn Layout 

Wabbit ! Where Did He Go ?  

Face Into The Sidewalk 

Using Photo Graphic Engineering 

Achieving Success With No Goal In Mind.

Manipulated By Building The Structure 

Within The Frame Field

Hoisting Plenty Of Torque 

Maneuvering The Created Stuff 

Into The Final Visual Result 

(Hey!! Captain! That's The A Secret)

During Post Lab In New York City 

Where Else?????? 

Paris?  Nope!!!


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Summer Dress Code Dimension • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Comfortable Living


Summer Dress Code Dimension 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Comfortable Living 

It's All About The Basics 

And How To Cover Them 

For A Safe Look 

Don't Snooze Or You Will Loose

Over And Out 


Captured With Natural Light 

Using The Reflector For Fill 

Then Clip Boom Bang Clip 

Duplication When Necessary 

Upping The Contrast 

Adding Saturation 

Mastered For Shaping And Sizing 

Working The Gold Mine 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Doing The Layout Stuff 

With The Greatest Of Ease...

The Monkey Plan In Place. 

Hop, Skip, And Jump... 

Manipulated With The Building Process. 

Placement Within The Frame Field Accomplished.  

Then, Maneuvering The Created Pieces 

To Complete The Visual Result

During Post Lab 

In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.