Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Monroe Look Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • President On U.S. Postage


Monroe Look Zone

 • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

President On U.S. Postage

A Standard For Legal Offices 

Still Used In The Early Part Of 1970's 

A Very Polite Portrait 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Day Time Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Using Digital Techniques 

As The Placement Was Adjusted

While The Layout Was Pressed Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Aircraft Delivery Service Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Postage Of Mexico


Aircraft Delivery Service Zone

 • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Postage Of Mexico

A Pretty Fun Design 

Loads Of Energy And Attraction 

Used For Airmail

Left The Boundary As Hard Cut 

Over And Out


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation Display 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Of Course, Using Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement 

While Putting The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Domestic Sending Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • U.S. Special Postage


 Domestic Sending Zone

 • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

U.S. Special Postage

Used For Arranged Mailings 

In The Real World 

With A Cool Design 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Existing Day Time Light 

Modified For The Web Display 

Moving Details And Adding Saturation

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Pushing A Change, Using Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement 

While Putting The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Raging Fly By Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Postage Of Chile


 Raging Fly By Zone

 • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Postage Of Chile

A Country Known For Aircraft Illustrations 

On The Their Airmail Stamps 

Always Fun To Work With... 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation Display 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Throwing Out The Saturation 

Like Cand In A Parade...

 Playing The Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And Direction

While Running The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Cell 

Maneuvering The Created Assets

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Commercial Essay Test Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • American Bank Note Company


Commercial Essay Test Zone 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

American Bank Note Company.

An Operation That Developed; 

Currency, Postal Instruments, And Other 

Exchange Possibilities. 

For Governments And Other Private Concerns. 

Pieces Created, Sometimes Fell To The Way Side. 

Landed In Collectors Hands. 

Giving Us A Glimpse Of Past. 

Achievements And Accomplishments, 

At Times Placed In A Book Form.

As A Photographer Has For Clients. 

Which Establishes The Body Of Work. 

Not Bunch Of Scrambled Images 

To Gain The Path To Be Hired. 

A Name Of The Published Item Is A Working Portfolio. 

Over And Out 


Existing Light Captured Image 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

As Well As Screen Display 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Of Course, Using Developed Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And Design 

While Placing The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Hunger Fund Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Postage Of Chile


The Hunger Fund Zone  

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Postage Of Chile

There Were Programs Established 

In The Country To Help The Needy 

Much Of The Funds Were Derived 

From The General Population 

Stamp Sale Provided Awareness 

And Collected The Cash 

To Assist The Government 

Undertake The Project 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Of Course, Using Special Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And Design Process

While Managing The Layout  

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Wine Of Tar Zone • American Photographer Mark Fisher • Internal Revenue Stamp

Wine Of Tar Zone 

• American Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Internal Revenue Stamp

The Dayton Directory for 1875-76 

contains a listing for "Smith, S.N. & Co." 

and shows the proprietors as Smith 

and one John D. Park.

This Is A Piece Of American History 

When The Government 

Was Under Siege By Confederate Forces

Of The Southern States. 

A Tax Code Was Imposed On Companies 

Doing Production And Retail, 

For The General Public. 


Which Included The Reconstruction Period. 

After The Civil War. 

Over And Out

Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation Display 

With Cool Outcome Using Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement On The Cell

While Putting The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Production In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

 No Second Usage Without Permission

All Rights Reserved • Models,Actors, Actresses,Dancers,

 Musicians Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, Scripting Implant, Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.


  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.