Tuesday, June 21, 2022

All Signs Favor Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Calendar Year Cinderella


 All Signs Favor Zone 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Calendar Year Cinderella

From A Magazine Page 

Featuring Union Pacific Rail Road 

Any Season Or Reason

Take A Train.

The 1950's Did Bring Interesting 

Ideas And Trends 

Right Down The Rail

Over And Out 


Captured With Sunlight

Modified For Presentation 

On The Web 

Removing Details To Have That Clean 

White Appearance On The Essay

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And Linear Arrangement

While Running The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission 

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Star Shattered Color Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • U.S. Internal Revenue Tax Instrument


Star Shattered Color Zone 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

U.S. Internal Revenue Tax Instrument

The Star Match Corporation Was One 

Of The Giants Of The Industry, 

Using Almost $284 Million In Stamps 

During The Period From May Of 1867 

Until March 1883. 

They Continued On As An Independent Company Until 1907, 

When Diamond Match Finally Bought Them Out. 

14,827,260 Were Printed On Old Paper, 

99,957,325 On Silk Paper And 168,886,956 On Pink 

And Watermarked Papers.

A Sample In A Faultless Condition Is Easy To Aquire At Auction. 

The General Public Is Unaware Of Existence, 

Of These Little Pieces Of Paper. 

Without The Knowledge, That People That Follow 

The Rules, Always Win. 

Over And Out. 

Captured Under Existing Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Playing With The Contrast Values Display. 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping... 

Of Course Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And Linear Arrangement

While Directing The Layout 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission 

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Mustang Sky Flight Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Framed Static Color


Mustang Sky Flight Zone 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Framed Static Color

Working The Limited Depth 

To Generate A Look 

That Creates Attention 

And Appeal For The Moment. 

Then On To The Next Possibility. 

Without Taking A Break. 

Never Looking Back. 

Having The Confidence 

That Others Will Wake Up, 

To Stop The Attack On The Established 

Movement And Put An End To The Thrill Kill.

Over And Out 


Captured Under Existing Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation Display 

Adjusting Saturation And Contrast Values

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Of Course Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And Linear Arrangement

While Putting The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission 

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 

Website www.americanphotographernyc1.com

For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia


Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also


In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher


In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.