Monday, August 15, 2022

Bristle-Spined Porcupine Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Postage Of Brazil


 Bristle-Spined Porcupine Zone 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Postage Of Brazil

It Is Called A Rat To Some 

And A Porcupine To Others

Also known as the bristle-spined porcupine 

or thin-spined porcupine,

 it is the only member of the genus Chaetomys 

and the subfamily Chaetomyinae 

 Status: Vulnerable, IUCN Endangered, ESA

Found In the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil.

Porcupines are large rodents 

with coats of sharp spines, or quills,

 that protect them against predation.

 The term covers two families of animals, 

 the Old World porcupines of family Hystricidae, 

 and the New World porcupines of family Erethizontidae.

 A nocturnal Animal (active at night), 

feeding on fruits and cocoa tree nuts. 

Over And Out 


Captured With Existing Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Approaching Display A Different Wat

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Applying The Layout  

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web PaAll Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Above The Runway Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • A Turn Of An Aircraft On The Tarmac


Above The Runway Zone 

 • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

A Turn Of An Aircraft On The Tarmac 

A Place Aligned With Operation

Post Of Entry And Exit 

The Movement Of Possibility 

With A Chance To Return 

The Plane To The Terminal 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Using A Different Display Approach

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Putting The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web PaAll Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Under The Clock Zone • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • Canadian Confederation Postage

Under The Clock Zone 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Canadian Confederation Postage 

The Tower Of Importance

To Attract 

 Celebrating The Advancement 

An Agreement With A Positive Direction

Organizing Four Parties.

On The East Coast

Withhold Grants To A

Of Group Of Other Independent States

Or Small Government Offices. 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Available Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Adjusted For Enhancement Of The Display 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Running The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission 

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Posts Are Professionals

 and Require Fee For Any Publication or Usage. 

All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.


Mount Vernon Four Zonal • Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • U.S. Envelope Postage


Mount Vernon Four Zonal 

• Creative Photographer Mark Fisher • 

U.S. Envelope Postage 

The Denomination Is 4 Cents.

Placement Of Printed Post Stamp Material

Were Produced By The Government, 

To Ease The Usage Of Mailing Items. 

Giving A Customer A Chance To Send Things. 

Without Purchasing Both Pieces 

At Separate Places. 

The Topic Is Mount Vernon 

The grounds were designated,

 A National Historic Landmark in 1960 and

 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

It is still owned and maintained in trust 

 by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association 

and is open every day of the year.

Over And Out 


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Changing The Approach Of Display 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

Of Course Adjusting The Key Values,

 Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Placing The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web PaAll Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.